Friday, February 24, 2006

begin the begin

"A birdy in the hand for life's rich demand"
--R.E.M., "Begin the Begin"

As I launched this blog, this quote just popped into my brain. The more I thought about it, the more approriate it seemed.

R.E.M.'s lead singer sings this line at the opening of the band's fourth album, Life's Rich Pageant. As I thought about this title, a couple of things started swirling around in my head.

This blog is devoted to teaching and learning with technology. Although it's primary focus is for teachers, I hope and expect that students and parents will post here as well. "Life's rich pageant" and "life's rich demand" seem to encapsulate what learning, discovery, creativity, and meeting our daily challenges are all about. In this historical moment, when technology is transforming our work, our leisure time, and our schools, we are presented with a rich pageant of opportunities for learning and discovery that lead us to powerful ways to creatively address the equally rich demands of our lives.

My philosophy is really quite simple. Technology has the potential to effect profound transformations in the relationships between teachers, learners and content. The computer is much more than a new means of delivering content. The web offers every single student and teacher the capability to publish, to communicate, to form discussion groups, to collaborate (and so on well )beyond the walls of a classroom. Just as technology brings a world of information to our fingertips, so too does it also invite us all to share what we have with this new global brain trust.

I invite all educators, students, parents, and anyone else who cares about the role of technology in learning to post comments here. Share your ideas, cool resources, and exciting web tools.

My hope is that this blog will be someplace where you can discover new things and share what you know.
